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Places to see near Khajuraho, waterfall, Festivals, Sightseeing

Places to see near Khajuraho, Khajuraho Festival

Benisagar Dam, Raneh Falls, Ranguari Lake, Rajgarh Palace, Dhubela Palace, Panna National Park, Panna Diamond Mines, Bandhavgarh National Park, are tourist places to see near Khajuraho.

Tourist places to see near Khajuraho are : –

Places to see near Khajuraho Rajgarh palace
Rajgarh Palace
places to see near khajuraho Raneh Falls
Raneh falls

1. Interesting and picturesque spots are the Benisagar Dam( 97 km) Ranesh Falls (20 km) and Ranguari Lake(25 km)




2.Rajgarh Palace(25 km),a 150 year old deserted palace and the Dhubela Palace( 964 km) which houses a museum of sculptures, period garments, paintings and weapons.


places to see near khajuraho Panna National Park
Panna National PArk

3.Panna National Park(32 km) recently declared a sanctuary.





4. Panna Diamond Mines(46 km) with the Pandav falls en route.
5.Bandhavgarh National Park(210 km) where wild life such as the tiger, leopard, bison, sambar etc. can be seen.



Places to see near Khajuraho, Khajuraho Festival
Khajuraho Festival

1.Khajuraho Festival (March). A dance festival is held every year leading classical dancers from all over India perform against the back-drop of the temples.A unique event.





2.Mahashivaratri Fair (Feb-Mar).The great night of Lord Shiva when pilgrims by the thousand pour pots of water over the Lingam, the symbol of Shiva as part of worship in the Matangeshwara Temple.

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