Gwalior Fort
5 Places to Visit in Madhya Pradesh
4.5 / 5 ( 2 votes ) Places to visit in Madhya Pradesh as tourist attractions are Gwalior fort, Sanchi, Indore, Ujjain, Khajuraho, Kanha Tiger Reserve, Omkareshwar, Mahakaleshwar. Madhya Pradesh as the name implies, lies in the heart of India and is the biggest state in the country. It consists largely of a plateau , streaked with the hill ranges of the Vindhyas and Satpuras. Innumerable monuments, exquisitely carved temples, stupas forts and palaces, all evoke memories of great empires and kingdoms. Tourist Places to Visit in MadhyaRead More
Places to Visit in Gwalior, Tourist places of interest, Sightseeing
5 / 5 ( 2 votes ) Places to visit in Gwalior – List of 14 Best Tourist Places in Gwalior Tourist Attractions, Activities, Things to Do – Gwalior Fort and Jai Vilas Palace. Gwalior is situated in Madhya Pradesh, India. The Heart Of India The Soul Of Romance Gwalior is a city with a dramatic, colourful history that goes back over a millennia. It’s legendary beginning stems from a meeting between a warrior called Suraj Sen and a hermit, Gwalipa, who lived on the hilltop where the fort stands.Read More