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Scuba Diving – Andaman Nicobar islands is ultimate dive destination in India

Scuba diving - Andaman Nicobarn , Cinque Island, Rutland Island, Snake Island (AROUND PORT BLAIR) and HAVELOCK ISLAND.Other Interesting sports are - Island Camping, Snorkeling, Trekking, india, Andaman nicobar Island

5 / 5 ( 2 votes ) Scuba Diving – Andaman Nicobar Islands are thrilling experiece. Andaman and Nicobar Islands Dive Sites for scuba diving are Cinque Island, Rutland Island, Snake Island (AROUND PORT BLAIR) and HAVELOCK ISLAND. Other Interesting sports are – Island Camping, Snorkeling, Trekking. If you love the sight of wispy coconut palms swaying in the breeze… the feel of soft white sand under your bare feet… the flash of birds vivid against the blue sky… the play of green shadows in the forest… the infinite varietyRead More